Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Karli's Big Day!

Karli was chosen to be the VIP for the day in her Kindergarten class.
Here she is sitting in front of her poster that she helped make. 
The guests who came: Mom (Jen), Papa Gunderson, sister Sage, 
Nana Gunderson, Dad (Steve), & Tobi. ( I'm the photographer. )
Here Karli is pointing to Grandpa Randy and telling the class 
that he is in Heaven now. 
Karli then had the opportunity to answer questions
 that many of her classmates asked. 
At the end, her classmates all lined up to pet Toby,
 who was very calm and gentle with all the kids.


Cherilee said...

I love the poster. It reminds me of the one that Chalisse took when she was in first grade. Her favorite color is yellow, so she had a yellow poster with sunflowers all over it.

bebe said...

karli says, " Thank you Grammy for the wonderful pictures you "taked". so, I just wanted to say that thank you for being such a special Grammy. love karli

bebe said...

I am so grateful that you came! You forgot to tell everyone how you rescheduled a dental appointment and found a sub for the temple to be there! Above and beyond for Karli. It means so much to us, and to her, that you were there! I am extremely thankful that you took so many great pictures for Karli. She has been planning "VIP" day for months and months! I'm a little worried about her wedding, now, in light of the fact that list of invitations to her kindergarten VIP was extensive and the day was planned out to the very last, little detail. Oh well, we had a great wedding...it must run in the family!